Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Striking Unit in action!

May Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome springtime and new beginnings!  We invite all Union families to the second annual Family Fitness Night this Friday, May 2nd from 6 to 8 pm.  Please come and explore a night of fun physical fitness activities aligned with state and national standards. All activities focus on health-related fitness including: cardio-respiratory, muscle strength, stretching or yoga, and body composition (nutrition games).  We hope that parents and family members will come and enjoy this opportunity with their children.

Secondly, as we wrap up our volleyball, throwing, catching and striking units, we are excited to inform you that beginning May 12th, grades 3 to 5 will start their spring outdoor unit disc-golf or Frisbee golf, and the lower grades will begin kicking, bouncing, and dribbling unit.

We are excited about this Friday’s Family Fitness Night!  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Williams or MJ at 225-8215 ext 8264.

 In health,

 Mr. Williams and MJ